Pamukkale Wine Sunset nri abalị njem nleta

Discover the lovely wines of Pamukkale and taste them with a lovely dinner combined with a stunning Sunset. Enjoy a relaxed afternoon in Pamukkale. Visit the vineyards, wine tasting, visit the historical sights and watch a spectacular sunset while having a delicious dinner accompanied by local Pamukkale wine.

What to see during the Wine Caves of Pamukkale?

What to expect during the Pamukkale Wine Sunset Dinner excursion?

In the afternoon we pick you up from the hotel and we drive direction our first place for a visit. It is a winery with the finest wines in the Pamukkale region. A local business that also sells its products to the world. They offer various kinds of wines made of local grapes. There you will visit the wine yards and as well the wine cellars. During your visit, you will get some wine tasting.

Mgbe nleta winery gasịrị, ebe anyị na-aga nke abụọ ga-abụ Park Park. N'ebe a, ị ga-eri nri ọbọgwụ na onye ndu ga-enye gị oge efu maka ezumike tii gị. Mgbe ezumike tii gachara, anyị ga-eburu gị gaa Pamukkale South Gate n'ụgbọala anyị. N'ebe a, anyị ga-eleta obodo ochie nke Hierapolis na ụlọ ihe nkiri oge ochie na ọdọ mmiri okpomọkụ.
Mgbe oge ọdịda anyanwụ bịara, ị ga-anụ ụtọ ọdịda anyanwụ na tebụl gị, yana onye ndu. Ka ọ dị ugbu a, ị ga-atọ ụtọ nri a kwadebere maka gị yana mmanya Pamukkale, nke anyị weere karịsịa maka oge ahụ. Mgbe nri na mmanya gasịrị, anyị ga-ejedebe oge ọdịda anyanwụ anyị na kọfị Turkish. Na njedebe nke njem ahụ, anyị ga-akpọghachite gị na họtel gị.

Kedu ihe bụ mmemme njegharị kwa ụbọchị?

  • Bulie n'ụlọ nkwari akụ gị
  • Gaa na ọgba mmanya Pamukkale
  • Gaa na Pamukkale Sunset
  • Pic-nic dinner by sunset
  • Ụgbọala laghachi na nkwari akụ gị na Pamukkale.

Kedu ihe agụnyere na ewepu n'oge njem ahụ?

  • Gwọ Mbata
  • Nlegharị anya niile a kpọtụrụ aha na njem njem
  • Ntuziaka njem nlegharị anya Bekee
  • Nyefe njem nlegharị anya
  • mbufe na mbupụ nkwari akụ
  • Pic-nic dinner and bottle of Pamukkale wine


  • Ndụmọdụ maka ọkwọ ụgbọ ala na nduzi
  • Ọnụ ụzọ ọdọ mmiri Cleopatra

Kedu njem ndị ọzọ ị nwere ike ime na Pamukkale?

Ị nwere ike izipu ajụjụ gị site n'ụdị dị n'okpuru.

Pamukkale Wine Sunset nri abalị njem nleta

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