11-il Jum Turkija Antika minn Istanbul

This 11 days tour package includes the most popular destinations Istanbul, Ephesus, Sirince, and Pamukkale, Ankara. Discover the highlights of each place.

What to see during the 11-day Turkey Tour?

What to see during the 11-day Ancient Turkey Tour?

Jum 1: Wasla f'Istanbul

Inti ser jiltaqgħu fl-ajruport mill-persunal tagħna meet&greet u trasferit fil-lukanda tiegħek f'karozza privata. Ibqa' f'Istanbul.

Jum 2: Tour tal-Belt il-Qadima ta’ Istanbul

You will be picked up from your hotel after breakfast to visit the Byzantine and Ottoman Relics found in the Sultanahmet area. The tour is on foot as the places of visit are within walking distance of each other. You will visit the Hagia Sophia Museum, Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, Harem of the Palace, and Basilica Cistern. The lunch will be served at a local restaurant. The tour ends with the Grand Bazaar tour, the most popular historical shopping center in Istanbul.

Jum 3: Dolmabahce Palace, Bosphorus u Pera Tour

Tluq mil-lukanda tiegħek wara l-kolazzjon u ibda l-ġurnata billi żżur il-Palazz Dolmabahce, l-aħħar residenza tas-Sultani Ottomani li tinsab fuq ix-xtut tal-Bosforu. Kienet id-dar ta' sitt sultani mill-1856, meta kienet abitata għall-ewwel darba, sal-1922. Il-kostruzzjoni tal-palazz swiet ħames miljun munita tad-deheb Ottomana Mecidiye, l-ekwivalenti ta' 35 tunnellata deheb. Id-disinn fih elementi eclectic minn stili Barokk, Rococo, u Neoklassiku. Il-Mużew-Palazz għandu soqfa indurati bid-deheb, turġien tal-kristall, u l-akbar kollezzjoni ta 'Bohemian u Baccarat Crystal Chandelier fid-dinja. Wara li żżur dan il-palazz mill-isbaħ, se titla 'fuq dgħajsa pubblika għall-mawra tiegħek tal-Bosphorus ta' madwar sagħtejn. Bosphorus huwa istrett twil 2 km u huwa fruntiera naturali bejn l-Asja u l-Ewropa. Id-dgħajsa se titla’ fl-iktar parti dejqa fejn hemm il-Fortizzi ta’ Rumeli u Anatolian. Matul il-kruċiera, se tara l-aktar sights impressjonanti tul ix-xtut tal-Bosphorus inklużi l-Palazz ta’ Ciragan, it-Torri ta’ Xebba, il-pontijiet tal-Bosphorus, il-fortizzi ta’ Rumeli u Anadolu, u miljuni ta’ dollaru mansions mal-baħar. L-ikla hija serva f'ristorant lokali sabiħ. Wara nofsinhar, se żżur Triq Istiklal u Distrett ta’ Pera ppakkjati bi ħwienet tal-mużika, ħwienet tal-kotba, cinemas, kafetteriji, ristoranti, u bars. Se żżur ukoll it-Torri ta' Galata li joffri veduta sabiħa tad-distretti tal-Belt il-Qadima u ta' Pera. Fi tmiem il-mawra, inti titbaxxa fil-lukanda tiegħek.

Jum 4: Golden Horn Tour

Departure from your hotel at around 08:30 and drive to Suleymaniye Mosque, the imperial mosque of the Ottoman Empire constructed by Architect Sinan. The next visit is to Chora Church Museum, a small but impressive building dating to the 11th century and unique with Christian frescoes and mosaics inside. The best spot looking over the Golden Horn is Pierre Loti Hill where there is a tea house today for breaks. The tour will go on with a short boat tour in Golden Horn to see the site from the sea. After lunch, the tour ends with shopping at Spice Bazaar, the most popular place in the city for spices, Turkish delights, and coffee. At the end of the tour, we drive in the direction of Ankara and drop you off at your hotel.

Day 5: Ankara Tour

After breakfast, you will visit the Anatolian Civilizations Museum where you can see the objects discovered mostly in Hitit ancient cities of Anatolia like Hattusas. The lunch will be served at one of the traditional Ankara Houses by the Castle serving as a restaurant today. At the end of the tour, we drive in the direction of Cappadocia and drop you off at your hotel.

Jum 6: Tour tat-Tramuntana tal-Kapadoċja

The tour starts after breakfast, from your hotel in the morning, you’ll drive to Devrent Valley where the geographical formations remind a place on another planet. Then in Pasabagi, you’ll take a stroll among the amazing fairy chimneys of Cappadocia. From there drive to Avanos to have lunch. Cappadocia is also famous for with traditional pottery predicament where you will also attend a workshop. The next visit is to Goreme Open Air Museum keeping the best-preserved Byzantine cave churches in the area. Then return to the hotel.

Jum 7: Tour tan-Nofsinhar tal-Kapadoċja

Depart from your hotel at 09.30 am and the day starts with a 4km hike through the Rose Valley visiting the churches. The next visit is to Christian&Greek village of Cavusin. We will have lunch in Pigeons Valley unique with small niches carved in the rocks. Cappadocia has several underground cities used by the residents to escape from their enemies and Kaymakli Underground City is among the famous ones on our visiting list. You will also visit the Ortahisar Natural Rock Castle offering a beautiful view over the valley. Then return to the hotel.

Jum 8: Konya

After breakfast, you will be transferred to Konya. Upon your arrival at the Konya visit, the Empire was founded by Turks and has been the residence of Rumi Dervishes. Mevlana Rumi spent his life in Konya where he wrote his famous books about Sufi and his ideas spread over the world after his death from here. Following the transfer from the bus station to Konya city center, you will take a guided tour of Konya to visit Mevlana Museum and his tomb, Karatay Madrasah, Aladdin Hill, the old bazaar, and the other remnants belonging to Seljuk architecture. At the end of the tour, you will drive in the direction of Pamukkale and be transferred to your hotel.

Jum 9: Żur Pamukkale

After breakfast, you will be transferred to Pamukkale. You will start visiting Pamukkale after lunch. Pamukkale is famous for white-colored rocks formed by thermal waters containing calcium bicarbonate. The ancient city Hierapolis at the site was a famous healing center and the hotels are site still preferred for thermal water pools in the present day. The Roman Pool at the site is still in use. You will be guested in one of the thermal&spa hotels at night to enjoy the hot water pools.

Day 10: Sirince

After breakfast, you will be transferred to the village of Sirince. In this pretty old Orthodox village, 12 km away from Ephesus located on the top of a mountain, anyone will enjoy the impressive wine yards and peach trees’ views on his way. Today the village is a perfect synthesis of Turk-Greek culture. Free time at leisure in the afternoon. You will be hosted in of the traditional Greek village houses at night.

Day 11. Ephesus and Return

You will be transferred to the airport for an early flight to Izmir. Upon your arrival, you will be transferred to Ephesus ancient city, the most splendid ancient city in Turkey, and requires about 2 hours to visit. The next visit is to the Virgin Mary’s House where it is believed she spent the last years of her life and was buried there. After lunch, you will visit the remaining important places to see in the area: Ephesus Museum where the objects discovered in Ephesus are exhibited, the Temple of Artemis which was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, St. John Castle, and the remains of Church situated at the top of Ayasoluk Hill and Isa Bey Mosque an important structure belonging to Turkish heritage. At the end of the tour, you will be dropped off at the airport to catch your flight to Istanbul. Once arrived you will be transferred to your hotel.

Dettalji Extra Tour

  • Tluq ta' kuljum (Is-sena kollha)
  • Tul: 11-il jum
  • Privat/Grupp

X’kien inkluż f’din l-eskursjoni?


  • Akkomodazzjoni BB 
  • Kollha sightseeing & eskursjonijiet imsemmija fl-itinerarju
  • Ikla waqt it-tours
  • Servizz ta’ trasferiment minn Lukandi u Ajruport
  • Gwida bl-Ingliż


  • Xorb waqt il-mawra
  • Pariri għall-gwida u sewwieq (mhux obbligatorju)
  • Dħul Cleopatra Pool
  • Diners mhux imsemmija
  • Titjiriet mhux imsemmija
  • Ħlas tad-dħul għas-Sezzjoni Harem fil-Palazz ta’ Topkapi.
  • Spejjeż personali

Liema attivitajiet żejda tista’ tagħmel?

Tista' tibgħat l-inkjesta tiegħek permezz tal-formola hawn taħt.

11-il Jum Turkija Antika minn Istanbul

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