3 Ijiem Pamukkale Ski u Wellness Weekend

Enjoy the Pamukkale Excursion and extra tours with those 3 amazing days during the winter season, and enjoy the ski and wellness opportunity in Pamukkale.

What to see during your 3-day Skiing and Wellness Weekend in Pamukkale?

What to expect during your 3-day Skiing and Wellness Weekend in Pamukkale?

Day 1: Arrival at Denizli Airport or Bus station.

We will meet you at the airport or Bus station in Denizli and transfer you to your hotel. You will be able to prepare yourself and start your day in your thermal wellness hotel.

Day 2: Bozdağ skiing Tour

We pick you up from your hotel at 08:30 in the morning and reach Bozdağ after a 1-hour drive time.
Your ski day starts here at Denizli Ski Center, located in Bozdağ with an altitude of 2 thousand 420 meters, which provides service within Denizli Metropolitan Municipality. While the longest one is 1700 meters, the second is 1500 meters and the third is 700 meters, the facilities serve amateur and professional skiers, while Denizli Ski Center has 2 chair lifts, 1 Tele ski, and a walking band. Denizli Ski Center, which can meet all the needs of its visitors with its infrastructure and daily facility, provides a great advantage for skiing with its topography and snow features. Enjoy your day and discover the Bozdağ Mountain area, then at 18:00 we pick you up and drop you off at your hotel, where you can enjoy again the thermal waters in your hotel.

Day 3: Bozdağ and transfer to the Airport or Bus station.

Today you do have the option to make early your titjira tal-bużżieqa tal-arja sħuna above Pamukkale. We pick you up from your hotel at 08:30 in the morning as today is your last day for skiing. Pick up and direct transfer to Denizli Airport to take the flight to Istanbul or Denizli Bus- station.

Dettalji Extra Tour

  • Tluq ta' kuljum (Is-sena kollha)
  • Tul ta 'żmien: 3 ijiem
  • Privat / Grupp

What has been included during the 3-day Skiing and Wellness Weekend in Pamukkale?


  • Is-sightseeing kollha msemmija fl-itinerarju
  • Trasferimenti tal-Eskursjonijiet
  • Akkomodazzjoni BB
  • Trasferimenti ta' pick-up u drop-off fil-lukanda


  • Pariri għall-gwida u sewwieq (mhux obbligatorju)
  • Spejjeż personali
  • Skipass
  • It-tagħmir tal-iskijjar huwa possibbli li jinkera hemmhekk

X'eskursjonijiet oħra tista' tagħmel f'Pamukkale?

Tista' tibgħat l-inkjesta tiegħek permezz tal-formola hawn taħt.

3 Ijiem Pamukkale Ski u Wellness Weekend

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