Perge Side Aspendos minn Antalya

Ingħaqad magħna f'Perge Side Aspendos taħlita unika ta' kultura u natura affaxxinanti f'ġurnata waħda. "Vjaġġ lejn il-Passat" huwa tour li se jappella lil min iħobb l-istorja u l-antikità. Skopri l-ambjent storiku ta 'Perge, Aspendos, u Side, kif ukoll il-kaskata magnífico f'Kursunlu. Ara t-Tempju ta’ Apollo u l-aqwa Teatru Aspendos billi ssegwi l-mogħdijiet ta’ Alessandru l-Kbir.

What to see during the Perge Side Aspendos Daily Tour from Antalya?

What to expect during the Perge Side Aspendos Daily Tour from Antalya?

We will pick you up from your hotel in Antalya city and the first place we will experience is Perge destination. One of Turkey’s best-preserved stadiums is located here. The stadium which was built in the north of the theater in the 2nd century BC has a capacity of approximately 12 thousand spectators. Other social and cultural buildings that reflect the city’s grandiosity are the rectangular planned agora, high towers, monumental fountains, baths, and colonnaded streets. Perge is also important for Christianity. Saint Paul, one of the most important figures of Christianity, arrived at Perge over the Aksu River during his missionary travels. The city and the river are considered to be the holy places of Christianity because it is written in the Bible.
Wara, se nesploraw il-banjijiet Rumani, Agora, Triq Colonnaded, u Nymphaeum. Se mmorru Aspendos Ancient Theatre biex inżidu artifatt storiku mill-isbaħ ieħor mal-esperjenzi storiċi u naturali tiegħek hawn. Aspendos Ancient Theatre inbena mir-Rumani fit-2 seklu. Kien mibni fuq żewġ għoljiet għoljin u baxxi. Il-belt antika hija waħda mill-aktar postijiet storiċi li jżuruha nies f'Antalya. Nitilqu minn hawn u mmorru lejn Side, fejn tgħid "Nixtieq li rajtha qabel"
Ma rridux inġegħluk tistenna aktar, imma se jkollna ftit pawża għall-ikel fit-triq. Wara ikla sabiħa f’ristorant famuż b’togħmiet lokali, immorru Side.
In Side, we will discover the ancient city of Rome and its baths, theater, and Temple of Apollo. We will provide you with free time here. If you wish, you can discover the place or you can have the experience of swimming in this historical acoustic. We will go to the Kursunlu Waterfall, our last stop, on the way back to Antalya. After seeing this waterfall, which is called the hidden paradise of Antalya, we will leave you back to your hotel.

What is the Perge Side Aspendos from AntalyaTour Program?

  • Aqbad mil-lukanda tiegħek f'Antalya.
  • Drive and visit the mentioned places Perge Side Aspendos
  • ikla
  • Lukanda drop-off

What is included in the cost of the Perge Side Aspendos from Antalya?

  • Ħlasijiet tad-dħul għall-attrazzjonijiet
  • Is-sightseeing kollha msemmija fl-itinerarju
  • Servizz ta’ trasferiment mill-Lukandi
  • ikla
  • Gwida bl-Ingliż


  • Xorb waqt il-mawra u l-ikla
  • Pariri għall-gwida u sewwieq (mhux obbligatorju)
  • Spejjeż personali

X'eskursjonijiet oħra tista' tagħmel f'Antalya?

Tista' tibgħat l-inkjesta tiegħek permezz tal-formola hawn taħt.

Perge Side Aspendos minn Antalya

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