Istanbul Classic City Tour

Discover the magnificent beauty of this 2500-year-old capital city, the traces of the empires, and the marvelous artistic places with our professional guide on the Old Istanbul City tour. Visit the Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, Aya Sophia, Grand Bazaar, and more. Istanbul is an epic city full of rising mosques, ancient stadiums, and large bazaars. you can get to know them all on this wonderful, guided Istanbul Old City tour. Nobody can be indifferent to Istanbul and its miraculous beauty. It has been a unique city throughout its history with its seven hills, the sea passing through it, and its natural harbor, the Golden Horn. The history of Istanbul is rich in befitting the city’s splendor.

What to see during the daily Classic Old City Tour in Istanbul?

What to expect during the daily Classic Old City Tour in Istanbul?

The walking tour starts in the morning. A comfortable car will pick you up from your hotel and drive you towards a meeting point, where you will meet the tour guide. The professional guide will be the person in charge to provide important descriptions of the places you are about to visit during the day. With this tour, you will be able to explore the Sultan Ahmet Centre by walking through the major monuments and places of interest in the area.
The first visit will be made to the Hippodrome, where sports events were taking place during the Byzantine period. There are four monuments which you can observe there. These are the German Fountain of the Wilhelm II, the Column of Constantine, the Serpentine Column, and the Egyptian Obelisk. The walking tour continues with a visit to the infamous Blue Mosque. This impressive Mosque is one of the most important in Turkey and is known for its interior design that features blue tiles. Since Blue Mosque is an active worship place, visits are not possible on Friday.
Another important monument, next to the Blue Mosque is Hagia Sophia. This impressively big church was constructed by Constantine the Great during the Byzantine period. The museum of Hagia Sophia is one of the most visited monuments in Istanbul due to its history and its outstanding architectural design. It must be noted that Saint Sophia is closed every Monday. Thus, participants will visit the Underground Cistern on that day.
After visiting these great monuments in the city center, the most exciting stop follows. On our Istanbul City Tour (Full Day), you will also visit the famous Grand Bazaar. This bazaar is the most popular and known of its kind due to its size and due to the variety of things, visitors can discover. It includes more than 4000 small shops in which you may exercise your bargaining skills. In these shops, participants can discover handicrafts, spices, clothes, and every type of souvenir.
Once the Grand Bazaar tour is over, a lunch break follows at a local restaurant in the nearby area. Take this chance to relax and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of the city’s center. Energized and relaxed, you will then walk towards the Sultans’ Tombs. These five tombs of Ottoman Sultans feature exceptional ceramic panels of the 16th century. Visitors can observe the delicate flower motifs and multiple colors, as well as other interesting covers placed on the sarcophagus.
The last stop of this guided walking tour will take place at Topkapi Palace. The palace used to be the residence of the Ottoman sultans between the 15th and the 19th century. Nowadays, it hosts an interesting museum with precious gems and jewelry, costumes of the sultans, and other important items of that era.
As this is the final stop of the walking tour, participants will then return to their hotel with a comfortable and modern bus.

What is the Istanbul Classic Old City Tour Program?

  • Aqbad mil-lukanda tiegħek u jibda t-Tour ta' ġurnata sħiħa.
  • Żur Spice Bazar, Camlica Hill, u ħafna aktar
  • Ikla f'ristorant lokali.
  • Issuq lura lejn il-lukanda tiegħek.

X'inhu inkluż fl-Ispiża ta' l-Eskurzjoni tat-Tour Classic Old City ta' Istanbul?


  • Ħlas tad-Dħul
  • Is-sightseeing kollha msemmija fl-itinerarju
  • Gwida tat-Tour bl-Ingliż
  • Trasferimenti tal-Eskursjonijiet
  • Trasferimenti ta' pick-up u drop-off fil-lukanda
  • Ikla mingħajr Xorb


  • Xorb

X'eskursjonijiet oħra tista' tagħmel f'Istanbul?

  • Trasferiment ta' l-Ajruport ta' Istanbul
  • Excursion Pamukkale minn Istanbul

Tista' tibgħat l-inkjesta tiegħek permezz tal-formola hawn taħt.

Istanbul Classic City Tour

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