Бодрум Рафтинг Екцурсион

During the last couple of years, river rafting became a huge trend. This adventurous activity attracts tourists to Bodrum as well, because of its exquisite Dalaman river rafting program. 

What to see during your Bodrum Rafting?

What to expect during your Bodrum Rafting?

Departing from Bodrum, we will get to a fabulous rafting spot in the region which is located in a dream-like landscape in which the natural conditions are very suitable for providing the basics of the rafting sport.

Дакле, ако сте неискусни или професионални, ваш ниво неће бити проблем за уживање у овој узбудљивој активности усред дивне сцене.

Биће хибрид нијанси зелене и плаве, дивља река која се прелива преко стена и литице које се као круна уздижу око тог подручја.

Способан да испуни вашу душу радошћу, узбуђењем и миром, свакако бисте требали размотрити а рафтинг тура; а читањем наредних пасуса имаћете детаљније информације које ће вас уверити.

After breakfast, pick up from your hotel and depart for Rafting Tour. White Water Rafting from Bodrum is a full-day tour, which starts with a pick-up from your hotel. You will be taken for a cozy and comfortable drive, and you’ll be able to do some sightseeing as we pass through some beautiful Turkish scenery. As your safety is our primary concern, upon your arrival you will meet with our professional rafting instructors who will explain to you the basics of river rafting. Experience the thrill of three-hour rafting on mesmerizing calm water, as well as some huge rapids.
Feast your eyes on the gorgeous emerald scenery, while rafting on the Dalaman River.

In addition to this, breakfast, insurance, and lunch are also included in the price list. Lunch will be served in a charming local restaurant in Akkopru. Akkopru, or The White Bridge, is a small village famous for the ancient bridge, under which we will pass as we raft further. You would be able to read the ancient scripture which says:” What a lucky man I am, to have built this wonderful bridge over this enchanting river.”

Rafting Tour in Bodrum
Bodrum Rafting Tour offers the adventure of rafting on the Koprulu Cay and Dalaman rivers. You get to choose between a 6-10 person raft and a two-seater canoe. After some basic instructions, paddle practice takes place on a quiet stretch. Rafting is an all-day activity, including the drive back and forth to your Bodrum hotel, as well as a delicious lunch.
Поставили смо минималну старосну границу од 6 година јер је ваша безбедност наша највећа брига. Сва упутства ће дати наш професионални водич. На крају, рафтинг ће трајати око три сата са заустављањем на пола пута за пливање и роњење са литице. Не заборавите да понесете креме за сунчање, пешкире, резервну одећу и ципеле за воду. Након обиласка, враћамо вас у хотел.

Is Bodrum Rafting Safe?

Bodrum Rafting requires some organization and preparation. The weather must be good, the equipment must be prepared and maintained, and the safety jackets and other equipment must be adapted to the conditions. BODRUM Rafting will be perfectly safe. Our guides and staff are perfectly trained to give you a safe experience. Of course, good swimming is a must and pregnant women please do not start the activity.

Is there a minimum age for Bodrum Rafting?

Атракција је савршена атракција за све узрасте од 6 – 99 година. Деца могу да се баве рафтингом, али до 10 неће моћи да веслају и ће седети на средини сплава између осталих људи.

What is included in the cost of Bodrum Rafting?


  • Улазнице за атракције
  • водити
  • Услуга трансфера од хотела
  • Осигурања
  • Опрема
  • Ручак


  • Слике и видео
  • Пиће током ручка

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Бодрум Рафтинг Екцурсион

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