Трансфер до аеродрома Анталија

How to book Antalya Airport Service?

Приватни аеродромски трансфер in all luxury between Antalya and Antalya Airport. Private drive with pick up and drop off in front of the door. Анталија Услуга аеродрома је the fastest and most economical way to get to your hotel in Antalya as you do not need to wait for other people, is hop in and depart to your destination. Our Driver will be waiting for you at the airport on your arrival time, even by delays our driver will wit but please contact us when delays are happening. The vehicles that we use for private transfers are Mercedes Vito VIP or Volkswagen Transporter VIP for a max of 6 Passengers per transfer. On the way to your hotel, drivers do not make any stops without your permission, as they will take you straight to your hotel.

What is the cost of Antalya Airport Transfer?

  • Наплаћујемо по возилу, а не по особи. Група је за максимално 6 особа по возилу.
  • We provide transfers across a whole range of hotels in and around Анталија
  • Возач чека на излазу са аеродрома са вашим именом.

Укључене услуге:

  • Услуга трансфера од врата до врата
  • Превоз климатизованим возилом за непушаче
  • 1 сат времена чекања након слетања на аеродром
  • Осигурања

What can you do in Antalya?

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Трансфер до аеродрома Анталија

Наше цене за Трипадвисор