Памуккале Мудди Плеасуре Тоур

We all know that except for children, none of us wants to get covered in mud and wait for hours with that mud on our bodies, but what if the mud makes us healthier and more beautiful? Then, it is definitely worth a shot! This tour is for those who want to experience magical mud baths and thermal springs to make themselves younger and healthier.

What to see during your Amazing Muddy Pleasure Moment in Pamukkale?

Обиласци се могу прилагодити према групи у коју желите да идете. Наши стручни и искусни консултанти за путовања моћи ће да стигну до жељене локације за одмор без потребе да траже појединачна места.

What to expect during your Amazing Muddy Pleasure Moment in Pamukkale?

We will pick you up from your hotel and drive to a little village Akköy. There you will have the pleasure to get yourself covered in mud.
Renowned for their healing benefits for centuries, mud baths are accepted as a helping hand in staying young and healthy. So, what are the actual benefits that have made people come and cover their bodies with mud for years? Those who believe in the power of mud say that the tightening effect of the drying mud is what makes the mud magical. It is a well-known fact that regular mud therapy can help with wrinkles, while healing waters can cure illnesses. Mud baths are believed to cure rheumatism and joint diseases, make skin more beautiful, relieve tiredness and strengthen the immune system through sulfur pools in which you clean yourself after the mud bath. After the tour, we drive you back directly to your hotel.

Шта је укључено, а шта искључено током екскурзије?


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Памуккале Мудди Плеасуре Тоур

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